As a sub, it's always wise to have a few lessons on hand prior to entering a classroom. True, a lesson is supposedly left for you to use by the teacher, but sometimes ... you need a filler or a replacement. Here's one that will come in handy sooner or later. It works best for grades 5-10 but can be used in grades 3-12.
It was a dark and stormy night ...
55 minutes: If the desks are not already lined up in rows, direct the kids to quickly push their desks into rows. Tell the kids to get out some paper and a pencil. Direct your students to write their name at the top of their paper. Then, write down the following - It was a dark and stormy night in (subject) when suddenly ....
Tell the kids they each have 1 minute to continue this story. When time is up, they are to hand their story to the person behind them who will have 1 minute to continue the story. (The last person in the row brings their story to the first person in the row each round.) Continue this until all stories end up in their original place. Authors will then have 2 minutes to quickly read what is there and finish the story. Sound the clock, and go.
When this activity is finished, ask if anyone would like to share "their" story with the class. If nobody volunteers, pick somebody. The stories are hysterical.
Adjusting for a shorter period of time: If you only have 10-15 minutes, adjust like this. Do not rearrange the desks. Do not tell them to write their names at the top. They don't need them. Tell the kids to get out some paper and a pencil. Direct your students to write down the following - It was a dark and stormy night in (subject) when suddenly ....
Tell the kids they have 1 minute to start this story. Then, they are to quickly hand their paper off and get one from someone else. You will help grab and distribute. Speed counts. You're on the clock. The next person has 1 minute. The last person finishes the story. This is a slightly different approach, but it works as well.