Pound Puppies: (No-Name Papers, any subject): I call no-name papers "Pound Puppies." I have a small section of bulletin board decorated with Pound Puppy wrapping paper, and I post them there. I explain that they are "lost" and their owners need to claim them from the pound. I also remind my kids about those MEAN 7th and 8th grade teachers who THROW OUT no name papers. Oops, I was going to sign my name, but I forgot. I'll just close with "arf". Submitted by Joanie Wilcox, USA
Tomb of the Unknown Student: (No-Name Papers, Ancient History): I dedicate part of one bulletin board to The Tomb of the Unknown Student. The kids do the art, which changes now and then; kids help post no-name papers as needed, when, of course, some are spotted. Plus, kids spot their own work, after posting in "The Tomb". All unclaimed no-name work is posted until the end of each unit. As the closing act of any unit, the kids, in each class, walk by, single file, & pay their respects. If any "no-names" are left by the end of the day, they're "buried". It doesn't matter if no-names are posted for the whole unit or a day - points off are the same. The work was attempted; it just wasn't claimed. Submitted by: Mr Donn